First let's have a look at the Federal Income Tax Portion of All Federal Revenue for FY 2009: in the World According to Karl Rove and the Republican Party this is the only part of tax revenue that matters!
While these numbers are truthful as reported they fail to tell the whole story. In that effect they distort reality providing the wrong perception of how our government is funded; please read on.
A look at All Federal Revenues: in the World According to United States of America FY 2009 Budget!
As you see Federal Income Taxes account for 44% of revenue required to operate government in FY 2009!
So the fact that the top 1% or the top 5% are paying an unfair share of our government operating revenue is dispelled. Showing half the facts provides half the picture, showing all the facts provides a very different view that concludes Karl Rove and the Republican party are trying to mislead the people.
Now let's take a look at our State & Local Tax payments. Do you see the picture that is developing here?

Adding all citizen tax payments, to State, Local and Federal Governments together, you see that our tax system is regressive and that the poor, lower middle and middle class pay the greatest portion of taxes in order to operate our governments!
Reality is the total revenue to operate all forms of our government come from a regressive tax rather than the progressive tax our Republican Party wants you the citizen to think we actually have in place today.
Our regressive tax policy has increased the income equality for all American Citizens starting near 1976 when the Republican Party began the demonetization of the opposition, starting with "Jimmy Carter"!
Today's #GOP demonizes everybody that threatens the benefits they have created for the upper class of American Citizens.
Cry "Class Warfare" against any one wanting to change our regressive tax policies to equalize the opportunity to share in America's Prosperity today!
The facts behind the rhetoric are important to know before you vote for any elected official in 2012.
Click Here: Misconceptions & Realities About Who Pays Taxes
If we don't stop this madness, I fear for my nieces and nephew and their children. I have been lucky, but with the money and power of those above-mentioned billionaires, they will crush the middle class at a rapid pace, and like a boyfriend told me back in the 70's, The GOP would very much like a 2 class system. It is now a reality today.