Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Taxes have and will continue to provide benefits to all American Citizens:

Taxes provide for the assets to house our government facilities. I do not believe our government ought to be paying profits to any landlord as buying buildings like every ordinary citizen provide for the opportunity over time to become full equity owner in that asset.

Taxes provide the Public works infrastructure like highways, streets, roads, and bridges; mass transit; airports/airways; water supply/resources; wastewater,

solid-waste and hazardous waste treatment and disposal; electric power generation & transmission; telecommunications; and the entire infrastructure systems these elements combine to comprise.

An understanding that behind these systems remains the assets of the public works facilities, and the standard operating procedures and management policies and practices developed to maintain the systems so that people and businesses can conduct commerce.

Each an important tax expenditures to facilitate the transport of people and goods, provision of water for drinking and a variety of other uses, safe disposal of society's waste products, provision of energy where it is needed, and transmission of information within and between people, communities, states and the country.

Taxes provide some protection of our food supply. I believe the consent of the governed desire food stuff to have to meet some minimum standard that protects the people from illness and disease.

Taxes afford some workplace protections; 29 U.S.C. § 654, 5(a)1: Each employer shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized

hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees.

Paying taxes is something to be proud of having to do as it provides many benefits to our society.

Business like citizens benefit from government expenditures on infrastructure systems, there are many important functions our Federal Government plays in your life; name a few!

Be prepared to talk down those that diminish the role of small and effective government. Demonstrate all the ways our tax payments to the Federal Government benefit our society. Add your favorite facilitator to the list, there are many!

In a country as complex as the United States of America - Taxes make this possible!

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Elections matter-openly cynical of government business as usual-Supreme Court Justices 5-4 open warfare on my Individual Liberty-Teach as Knowledge is Power!