We have no shortage of oil.
We have no shortage of natural gas.
We have no shortage of anything necessary to maintain American Standards of living and economic growth except: Rare Earth Metals.
Rare earth metals are a group of 17 metals (such as lanthanum and cerium) that are used for a variety of high tech gadgets that are vital to modern life.
The other shortage we have is with educated voters and fact filled congressional politicians.
So when elected congressional officials tell you we have an ineffective government with nothing but job killing regulations; that our government needs to be smaller with less regulations so we can reduce taxes, get government off your back and allow the free enterprise system to do what it does best; ask yourself......
If all these things are true......
How come we're climbing out of a recession after over ten years of tax cuts, reduced government funding to enforce regulations, where job creators offered no new employment to our citizens in over 10 years, then laid-off 20% of all citizens right before the economy fell off a cliff due to the free market systems inability to regulate itself.
The FACT is starving a government of adequate revenue and of the ability to be effective in doing it's job has consequences.
Every organization has to deliver products & services while balancing income with expenditures or go bankrupt.
This includes our elected officials in Congress.
Income must increase and expense must decrease to pay down our debt.
Doing anything less is a complete waste of time and effort for which you can expect either no results and results that backfire on "We the People".
Hypocrisy resides in our halls of congress, tell me which party is more deserving to hold the honor of said definition; the hypocritical political party, send them home.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
#POTUS Election 2012
Hold your educated political beliefs in high regard and seek success for that in which you believe.
Set aside falsehoods and pretense by both political parties and hold each accountable for what they say versus what they do.
Be mindful of the fact that our forefathers created a magnificent government which includes a separation of governmental powers that creates a fairly interesting balancing act between branches of government. And between our Federal Government and the States.
Starting in the year 2000 our Federal Government reduced Federal taxes for all citizens. They continued to spend sums of money greater than the income received by the Federal Government.
In September 2000 our National Debt was $5,674,178,209,886.86.
In September 2008 our National Debt was $10,024,724,896,912.40.
This is an increase in our National Debt of almost 77% in 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency; an average increase of 9.625% each year of the 8 years.
When President Barack Obama was prepared to takes the oath of office the USA economy had already been dropped off the proverbial cliff. Housing prices were falling, credit facilities among all financial entities was drying up, the Federal Government Revenue from a shrinking economy was falling while citizens seeking access to Federal and State Government Safety Net Programs was growing.
During George Bush's last year in office, from September 2008 ($11,909,829,003,511.70) to end of his term and start of Barack Obama's 1st year in office, September 2009 our debt ballooned from $10,024,724,896,912.40 This means from September 2008 to September 2009 we had an increase of almost 19% for the year.
Now let me be perfectly clear, our Presidents present annual budgets to congress but constitutionally, the House of Representatives is responsible for budget proposals, then our Senate either agrees to the budget or makes modifications in their chambers.
If there are differences between the House and Senate approved budgets, the congressional differences are ironed out in a congressional conference between the House of Representatives and the Senate.
The President either signs or veto's the budget.
Should the budget be vetoed, then congress can override the Presidents action with a 2/3rds vote in the House of Representatives and the Senate agreeing to overrule the Presidential veto.
Thus any congressional elected official blaming any president for a budget and/or deficit problem is not coming clean with the American people.
Congress appropriates money to operate our federal Government, they own the budget, a President can only make sure that 2/3rds of each house agree to any given budget; this happens only when the President veto's the appropriation.
Set aside falsehoods and pretense by both political parties and hold each accountable for what they say versus what they do.
Be mindful of the fact that our forefathers created a magnificent government which includes a separation of governmental powers that creates a fairly interesting balancing act between branches of government. And between our Federal Government and the States.
Starting in the year 2000 our Federal Government reduced Federal taxes for all citizens. They continued to spend sums of money greater than the income received by the Federal Government.
In September 2000 our National Debt was $5,674,178,209,886.86.
In September 2008 our National Debt was $10,024,724,896,912.40.
This is an increase in our National Debt of almost 77% in 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency; an average increase of 9.625% each year of the 8 years.
When President Barack Obama was prepared to takes the oath of office the USA economy had already been dropped off the proverbial cliff. Housing prices were falling, credit facilities among all financial entities was drying up, the Federal Government Revenue from a shrinking economy was falling while citizens seeking access to Federal and State Government Safety Net Programs was growing.
During George Bush's last year in office, from September 2008 ($11,909,829,003,511.70) to end of his term and start of Barack Obama's 1st year in office, September 2009 our debt ballooned from $10,024,724,896,912.40 This means from September 2008 to September 2009 we had an increase of almost 19% for the year.
Now let me be perfectly clear, our Presidents present annual budgets to congress but constitutionally, the House of Representatives is responsible for budget proposals, then our Senate either agrees to the budget or makes modifications in their chambers.
If there are differences between the House and Senate approved budgets, the congressional differences are ironed out in a congressional conference between the House of Representatives and the Senate.
The President either signs or veto's the budget.
Should the budget be vetoed, then congress can override the Presidents action with a 2/3rds vote in the House of Representatives and the Senate agreeing to overrule the Presidential veto.
Thus any congressional elected official blaming any president for a budget and/or deficit problem is not coming clean with the American people.
Congress appropriates money to operate our federal Government, they own the budget, a President can only make sure that 2/3rds of each house agree to any given budget; this happens only when the President veto's the appropriation.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Occupy Wall Street Movement Next Steps
Thank you everyone who has participated to successfully change the media conversation from a far right wing agenda, America is a grateful nation.
The time has come to assert the influence our forefathers intended for our citizens when creating our countries great constitution.
The time has come to convert the sit in protest to a combination of efforts making substantial changes to our countries major political and economic systems. They are broken, need repair or replacement.
The government is to be of and for the people;
All the people,
Not some of the people,
Or the top 1% of people
Or people who believe we can retreat to the days when we argued about a Republic with 13 colonies.
My Occupy Wall Street "Long Term Objectives":
The time has come to assert the influence our forefathers intended for our citizens when creating our countries great constitution.
The time has come to convert the sit in protest to a combination of efforts making substantial changes to our countries major political and economic systems. They are broken, need repair or replacement.
The government is to be of and for the people;
All the people,
Not some of the people,
Or the top 1% of people
Or people who believe we can retreat to the days when we argued about a Republic with 13 colonies.
My Occupy Wall Street "Long Term Objectives":
- Get Money Out of Politics
- Pass Constitutional Amendment to ensure once & for all we have "One citizen, one vote"
- Uniform Federal Rule on Voter Identification Form
- National Holiday for Election Day (No Work)
- Rules that must apply to Congressional Elected Officials and Executive Elected/Appointed Personnel
- Laws applicable to any citizen applicable to congressional membership.
- Divest themselves of any investment in or ownership of for-profit entities that may be within the purview of their agency or may be subject to their official oversight and influence.
- Establish strict limits on the extent to which members of their immediate families may benefit directly from their position.
- Investments traded in blind trusts only & any finding of guilt of insider trading is cause for immediate dismissal and loss of pension rights.
- Members of Congress must be required to recuse themselves from voting on issues that may harm or benefit the personal investment interests of their relatives or their staffs.
- Eliminate Political Party Gerrymandering By Establishing Uniform Federal Practices
- Eliminate the Electoral Process in order to allow a majority vote rule in our Republic.
- Bring Back Provisions of the Glass–Steagall Act - Separating investment & commercial banking.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Percent of Tax Returns with Zero or Negative Tax Liability, 1950 to Present
Percent of Tax Returns with Zero or Negative Tax Liability, 1950 to Present
The number of tax returns with zero or negative tax liability has risen steadily over the past decade. However, it accelerated sharply between 2000 and 2004 due to the effects of tax changes during President Bush's first term of office.
We've had a more dramatic increase in citizens who pay no Federal Income Taxes due to direct tax policies voted into law by a Republican congress with extension and addition to the George W. Bush tax cuts from 2005 to 2011.
2005 - 32.58%
2006 - 33%
2007 - 37.9%
2008 - 47%
2009 - 51%
2010 - 45%
2011 - 49%
When you hear Republican operatives talk about tax code fairness, know that they are trying to stir up resentful emotions from the folks who pay Federal Income Taxes. Also remember those who pay no taxes have almost doubled due to the Republican Party's insistence on a failed trickle down economics Tax Cut Policy.
A tax policy that states cutting taxes increases revenue and increases job creators ability to hire more citizens. After 10 years of the Republican Party Economic Tax Governance Policy implementation we have lower government revenues, greater deficits and debt with an effective job creation rate of ZERO .
The very congress men/women who created millions of non income tax paying citizens while failing to generate sufficient revenue to pay to for our government operations, therefore adding to the deficit and increasing our national debt now want you to believe they have the proper governing policies to make everything right.
Republican Party Economic Tax Cut Governance Policy! Ironic?
The number of tax returns with zero or negative tax liability has risen steadily over the past decade. However, it accelerated sharply between 2000 and 2004 due to the effects of tax changes during President Bush's first term of office.
We've had a more dramatic increase in citizens who pay no Federal Income Taxes due to direct tax policies voted into law by a Republican congress with extension and addition to the George W. Bush tax cuts from 2005 to 2011.
2005 - 32.58%
2006 - 33%
2007 - 37.9%
2008 - 47%
2009 - 51%
2010 - 45%
2011 - 49%
When you hear Republican operatives talk about tax code fairness, know that they are trying to stir up resentful emotions from the folks who pay Federal Income Taxes. Also remember those who pay no taxes have almost doubled due to the Republican Party's insistence on a failed trickle down economics Tax Cut Policy.
A tax policy that states cutting taxes increases revenue and increases job creators ability to hire more citizens. After 10 years of the Republican Party Economic Tax Governance Policy implementation we have lower government revenues, greater deficits and debt with an effective job creation rate of ZERO .
The very congress men/women who created millions of non income tax paying citizens while failing to generate sufficient revenue to pay to for our government operations, therefore adding to the deficit and increasing our national debt now want you to believe they have the proper governing policies to make everything right.
Republican Party Economic Tax Cut Governance Policy! Ironic?
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Cost Benefits of Regulation
Regulatory Benefits FAR EXCEED Regulatory Costs
The 1st ever draft report estimates that major federal regulations provide benefits of from $135 billion to $218 billion annually, while costing taxpayers between $38 billion and $44 billion.
Costs and benefits of some other major federal regulatory programs of 1st draft included:
The most recent report, 2010 Found Here, contains detailed cost and benefit figures on dozens of major federal regulatory programs, as well as the criteria used in making the estimates.
It is shameful for Republican Party operatives to string along less informed small business men/women whom have no idea of the overall benefits major government regulations provide for them.
GOP politicians continue to whip up less informed sentiment in order to make the government the enemy.
Average citizens, good, simple and hard working are led astray from being thoughtful "Curious George" type, independent thinkers who investigate all sides and make informed decisions.
The 1st ever draft report estimates that major federal regulations provide benefits of from $135 billion to $218 billion annually, while costing taxpayers between $38 billion and $44 billion.
Costs and benefits of some other major federal regulatory programs of 1st draft included:
- Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Benefits: $4.7 billion
Costs: $2.4 billion
- Health & Human Services: Food and Drug Administration
Benefits: $2 to $4.5 billion
Costs: $482 to $651 million
- Labor: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Benefits: $1.8 to $4.2 billion
Costs: $1 billion
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NTSHA)
Benefits: $4.3 to $7.6 billion
Costs: $2.7 to $5.2 billion
- EPA: Clean Air Regulations
Benefits: $106 to $163 billion
Costs: $18.3 to $20.9 billion
- EPA Clean Water Regulations
Benefits: $891 million to $8.1 billion
Costs: $2.4 to $2.9 billion
The most recent report, 2010 Found Here, contains detailed cost and benefit figures on dozens of major federal regulatory programs, as well as the criteria used in making the estimates.
It is shameful for Republican Party operatives to string along less informed small business men/women whom have no idea of the overall benefits major government regulations provide for them.
GOP politicians continue to whip up less informed sentiment in order to make the government the enemy.
Average citizens, good, simple and hard working are led astray from being thoughtful "Curious George" type, independent thinkers who investigate all sides and make informed decisions.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Truth About Our Tax Base
And the affects on our citizens ability to prosper when America Prospers!
First let's have a look at the Federal Income Tax Portion of All Federal Revenue for FY 2009: in the World According to Karl Rove and the Republican Party this is the only part of tax revenue that matters!
While these numbers are truthful as reported they fail to tell the whole story. In that effect they distort reality providing the wrong perception of how our government is funded; please read on.
A look at All Federal Revenues: in the World According to United States of America FY 2009 Budget!
As you see Federal Income Taxes account for 44% of revenue required to operate government in FY 2009!
So the fact that the top 1% or the top 5% are paying an unfair share of our government operating revenue is dispelled. Showing half the facts provides half the picture, showing all the facts provides a very different view that concludes Karl Rove and the Republican party are trying to mislead the people.
Now let's take a look at our State & Local Tax payments. Do you see the picture that is developing here?

Adding all citizen tax payments, to State, Local and Federal Governments together, you see that our tax system is regressive and that the poor, lower middle and middle class pay the greatest portion of taxes in order to operate our governments!
Reality is the total revenue to operate all forms of our government come from a regressive tax rather than the progressive tax our Republican Party wants you the citizen to think we actually have in place today.
Our regressive tax policy has increased the income equality for all American Citizens starting near 1976 when the Republican Party began the demonetization of the opposition, starting with "Jimmy Carter"!
Today's #GOP demonizes everybody that threatens the benefits they have created for the upper class of American Citizens.
Cry "Class Warfare" against any one wanting to change our regressive tax policies to equalize the opportunity to share in America's Prosperity today!
The facts behind the rhetoric are important to know before you vote for any elected official in 2012.
First let's have a look at the Federal Income Tax Portion of All Federal Revenue for FY 2009: in the World According to Karl Rove and the Republican Party this is the only part of tax revenue that matters!
While these numbers are truthful as reported they fail to tell the whole story. In that effect they distort reality providing the wrong perception of how our government is funded; please read on.
A look at All Federal Revenues: in the World According to United States of America FY 2009 Budget!
As you see Federal Income Taxes account for 44% of revenue required to operate government in FY 2009!
So the fact that the top 1% or the top 5% are paying an unfair share of our government operating revenue is dispelled. Showing half the facts provides half the picture, showing all the facts provides a very different view that concludes Karl Rove and the Republican party are trying to mislead the people.
Now let's take a look at our State & Local Tax payments. Do you see the picture that is developing here?

Adding all citizen tax payments, to State, Local and Federal Governments together, you see that our tax system is regressive and that the poor, lower middle and middle class pay the greatest portion of taxes in order to operate our governments!
Reality is the total revenue to operate all forms of our government come from a regressive tax rather than the progressive tax our Republican Party wants you the citizen to think we actually have in place today.
Our regressive tax policy has increased the income equality for all American Citizens starting near 1976 when the Republican Party began the demonetization of the opposition, starting with "Jimmy Carter"!
Today's #GOP demonizes everybody that threatens the benefits they have created for the upper class of American Citizens.
Cry "Class Warfare" against any one wanting to change our regressive tax policies to equalize the opportunity to share in America's Prosperity today!
The facts behind the rhetoric are important to know before you vote for any elected official in 2012.
Click Here: Misconceptions & Realities About Who Pays Taxes
Thursday, September 22, 2011
U.S. Federal Debt
Time series of U.S. federal debt overlaid with partisan affiliation of the White House and the Congress.
During the George W. Bush Presidency our debt to gross Domestic product ratio increased 28 percent.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Reject Republican Party Politics
Today's GOP has worked hard to demonize government regulation. They repeat time after time their mantra with keen interest in convincing the rest of America's citizens that the Republican party is correct about government regulations being bad for the country.
The GOP goes on and on about these are #JobKillingRegulations, #JobCrushingRegulations, and according to House Speaker John Boehner, are “strangling” business with detailed requirements over health, safety, the environment, corporate governance and finance.
The favorite new word on the GOP euphemism list is #Uncertainty.
Job creators are uncertain, small business owners and entrepreneurs can't put capital at risk when the government tax status is unknown and there maybe a new government regulation offering new rules to follow; "Wall Street" is uncertain due to new financial regulations of the #DoddFrank Bill, business is uncertain due to the affects of the "Affordable care Act" [ #Obamacare ], business is uncertain and will not invest due to potential rise in income and other tax statuses,
Republicans are hell-bent on cutting spending and preserving the goose that laid the golden egg; the gilded class [rich or of a higher social class ] tax breaks; are having no qualms at all about the economic uncertainty they almost single-handedly are responsible for creating.
Today's Republican Party (GOP) has worked very hard to Starve Government of Revenue needed to be effective on all things. They cut taxes during the George W, Bush administration while continuing to spend money like drunken sailors. Adding further insult to injury, the entered the United States of America into two wars which were paid for off budget with emergency appropriations bills adding to the countries deficits and debt.
Federal regulations are the actual enforceable laws authorized by major legislation enacted by Congress.
The Clean Air Act, the Food and Drug Act, the Civil Rights Act are all examples of landmark legislation requiring months, even years of highly publicized planning, debate, compromise and reconciliation in Congress. Yet the work of creating the vast and ever-growing volumes of federal regulations, the real laws behind the acts, happens largely unnoticed in the offices of the government agencies rather than the halls of Congress.
The facts are more common sense than one would think. Regulations are by need, usually social, economic or process oriented.
Social regulation prohibits production of products in certain ways or with certain characteristics that are harmful to public interests such as health, safety, and the environment and may demand products be produced in certain ways or with certain characteristics that are beneficial to these public interests.
Economic regulation prohibits firms from charging prices or entering or exiting lines of business that might cause harm to the economic interests of other firms or economic groups.
Process regulations impose administrative or paperwork requirements such as income tax, social security, food stamps, or procurement forms. Most costs to businesses result from program administration, government procurement, and tax compliance efforts.
All regulatory agencies begin rule-making by publishing draft regulations in the Federal register asking for comment from all interested parties.
Most of the complex and confusing verbiage that finds its way in to the final regulation published in our Code of Federal Regulations is the result of industry lawyers and lobbyists doing their best to exploit the process by creating loopholes in their clients favor to avoid doing what lawmakers intend.
Government regulation is good, so long as it receives the same type of scrutiny and process improvement effort that all systems deserve in order to succeed.
#JobCreators deploy capital regardless of the external environmental conditions so long as the total cost of capital invested in the business finds sufficient customers at an appropriate price in order to deliver a reasonable rate of return to the investor.
Good business people account for all operating expenses to determine is the risk of investment is worth the anticipated reward:
In short, the small business & entrepreneur will only make an investment in new hires when their business can no longer meet their customer demand as the operation is presently configured. When demand increase they will make a determination on whether their business needs more people or equipment to make their firm more productive in order to meet excess demand.
Government regulation and/or tax structures do not create uncertainty for small business people or entrepreneurs. They are only two of many factors good business people use to calculate their return on investment for any given venture.
Reject the Republican Parties attempt to remove the revenue any good government needs to operate effectively for their citizens. Government must be funded to properly perform continuous improvements to increase it's capabilities for citizens.
"We the People" reject the #GOP thought that government regulation, and therefore government is bad.
"We the People" reject the #GOP notion that government has created #Uncertainty and this is the reason why we have no new #JobCreation.
"We the People" reject the #GOP religion that "Trickle Down Economics" works as an economic road to prosperity.
Reject the Republican Policies on Good Government today!
Tell the wimpy Democratic Party to get off their ass and stand for something coherent or perish!
The GOP goes on and on about these are #JobKillingRegulations, #JobCrushingRegulations, and according to House Speaker John Boehner, are “strangling” business with detailed requirements over health, safety, the environment, corporate governance and finance.
The favorite new word on the GOP euphemism list is #Uncertainty.
Job creators are uncertain, small business owners and entrepreneurs can't put capital at risk when the government tax status is unknown and there maybe a new government regulation offering new rules to follow; "Wall Street" is uncertain due to new financial regulations of the #DoddFrank Bill, business is uncertain due to the affects of the "Affordable care Act" [ #Obamacare ], business is uncertain and will not invest due to potential rise in income and other tax statuses,
Republicans are hell-bent on cutting spending and preserving the goose that laid the golden egg; the gilded class [rich or of a higher social class ] tax breaks; are having no qualms at all about the economic uncertainty they almost single-handedly are responsible for creating.
Today's Republican Party (GOP) has worked very hard to Starve Government of Revenue needed to be effective on all things. They cut taxes during the George W, Bush administration while continuing to spend money like drunken sailors. Adding further insult to injury, the entered the United States of America into two wars which were paid for off budget with emergency appropriations bills adding to the countries deficits and debt.
Federal regulations are the actual enforceable laws authorized by major legislation enacted by Congress.
The Clean Air Act, the Food and Drug Act, the Civil Rights Act are all examples of landmark legislation requiring months, even years of highly publicized planning, debate, compromise and reconciliation in Congress. Yet the work of creating the vast and ever-growing volumes of federal regulations, the real laws behind the acts, happens largely unnoticed in the offices of the government agencies rather than the halls of Congress.
The facts are more common sense than one would think. Regulations are by need, usually social, economic or process oriented.
Social regulation prohibits production of products in certain ways or with certain characteristics that are harmful to public interests such as health, safety, and the environment and may demand products be produced in certain ways or with certain characteristics that are beneficial to these public interests.
Economic regulation prohibits firms from charging prices or entering or exiting lines of business that might cause harm to the economic interests of other firms or economic groups.
Process regulations impose administrative or paperwork requirements such as income tax, social security, food stamps, or procurement forms. Most costs to businesses result from program administration, government procurement, and tax compliance efforts.
All regulatory agencies begin rule-making by publishing draft regulations in the Federal register asking for comment from all interested parties.
Most of the complex and confusing verbiage that finds its way in to the final regulation published in our Code of Federal Regulations is the result of industry lawyers and lobbyists doing their best to exploit the process by creating loopholes in their clients favor to avoid doing what lawmakers intend.
Government regulation is good, so long as it receives the same type of scrutiny and process improvement effort that all systems deserve in order to succeed.
#JobCreators deploy capital regardless of the external environmental conditions so long as the total cost of capital invested in the business finds sufficient customers at an appropriate price in order to deliver a reasonable rate of return to the investor.
Good business people account for all operating expenses to determine is the risk of investment is worth the anticipated reward:
- accounting expenses
- maintenance and repairs, such as snow removal, trash removal, janitorial service, pest control, and lawn care
- advertising
- office expenses
- supplies
- attorney fees and legal fees
- utilities, such as telephone
- insurance
- property management, including a resident manager
- property taxes
- travel and vehicle expenses
- salary and wages
- raw materials
In short, the small business & entrepreneur will only make an investment in new hires when their business can no longer meet their customer demand as the operation is presently configured. When demand increase they will make a determination on whether their business needs more people or equipment to make their firm more productive in order to meet excess demand.
Government regulation and/or tax structures do not create uncertainty for small business people or entrepreneurs. They are only two of many factors good business people use to calculate their return on investment for any given venture.
Reject the Republican Parties attempt to remove the revenue any good government needs to operate effectively for their citizens. Government must be funded to properly perform continuous improvements to increase it's capabilities for citizens.
"We the People" reject the #GOP thought that government regulation, and therefore government is bad.
"We the People" reject the #GOP notion that government has created #Uncertainty and this is the reason why we have no new #JobCreation.
"We the People" reject the #GOP religion that "Trickle Down Economics" works as an economic road to prosperity.
Reject the Republican Policies on Good Government today!
Tell the wimpy Democratic Party to get off their ass and stand for something coherent or perish!
Book Review: "Too Big to Fail: The Inside Story of How Wall Street & Washington Fought to Save the Financial System – & Themselves", By Andrew Ross Sorkin
Publisher Synopsis:
From inside the corner office at Lehman Brothers to secret meetings in South Korea, Russia and the corridors of Washington, Too Big to Fail is the definitive story of the most powerful men and women in finance and politics grappling with success and failure, ego, greed, and, ultimately, the fate of the world's economy.
"We've got to get some foam down on the runway!" a sleepless Timothy Geithner, the president of the Federal Reserve of New York would tell Henry M. Paulson, the Treasury Secretary about the catastrophic crash of the world's financial system would experience.
Through unprecedented access to the players involved, Too Big to Fail recreates all the drama and turmoil, revealing never-disclosed details and elucidating how decisions made on Wall Street over the past decade sowed the seeds of the debacle. This true story is not just a look at banks that were ‘too big to fail’, it is a real-life thriller about a cast of bold-faced names who themselves thought they were ‘too big to fail’.
To Learn More!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Book Review: "Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy," by Raghuram G. Rajan
Publisher Synopsis:
Raghuram Rajan was one of the few economists who warned of the global financial crisis before it hit. Now, as the world struggles to recover, it's tempting to blame what happened on just a few greedy bankers who took irrational risks and left the rest of us to foot the bill. In Fault Lines, Rajan argues that serious flaws in the economy are also to blame, and warns that a potentially more devastating crisis awaits us if they aren't fixed.
Rajan shows how the individual choices that collectively brought about the economic meltdown--made by bankers, government officials, and ordinary homeowners--were rational responses to a flawed global financial order in which the incentives to take on risk are incredibly out of step with the dangers those risks pose. He traces the deepening fault lines in a world overly dependent on the indebted American consumer to power global economic growth and stave off global downturns. He exposes a system where America's growing inequality and thin social safety net create tremendous political pressure to encourage easy credit and keep job creation robust, no matter what the consequences to the economy's long-term health; and where the U.S. financial sector, with its skewed incentives, is the critical but unstable link between an overstimulated America and an underconsuming world.
In Fault Lines, Rajan demonstrates how unequal access to education and health care in the United States puts us all in deeper financial peril, even as the economic choices of countries like Germany, Japan, and China place an undue burden on America to get its policies right. He outlines the hard choices we need to make to ensure a more stable world economy and restore lasting prosperity.
Remember, this book won an award the: "Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award 2010".
Learn More Here!
Raghuram Rajan was one of the few economists who warned of the global financial crisis before it hit. Now, as the world struggles to recover, it's tempting to blame what happened on just a few greedy bankers who took irrational risks and left the rest of us to foot the bill. In Fault Lines, Rajan argues that serious flaws in the economy are also to blame, and warns that a potentially more devastating crisis awaits us if they aren't fixed.
Rajan shows how the individual choices that collectively brought about the economic meltdown--made by bankers, government officials, and ordinary homeowners--were rational responses to a flawed global financial order in which the incentives to take on risk are incredibly out of step with the dangers those risks pose. He traces the deepening fault lines in a world overly dependent on the indebted American consumer to power global economic growth and stave off global downturns. He exposes a system where America's growing inequality and thin social safety net create tremendous political pressure to encourage easy credit and keep job creation robust, no matter what the consequences to the economy's long-term health; and where the U.S. financial sector, with its skewed incentives, is the critical but unstable link between an overstimulated America and an underconsuming world.
In Fault Lines, Rajan demonstrates how unequal access to education and health care in the United States puts us all in deeper financial peril, even as the economic choices of countries like Germany, Japan, and China place an undue burden on America to get its policies right. He outlines the hard choices we need to make to ensure a more stable world economy and restore lasting prosperity.
Remember, this book won an award the: "Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award 2010".
Learn More Here!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Register to Vote for Free
This web site provides simple directions on how to register to vote in elections: If not already registered please do so now!
Click Here Now!
Click Here Now!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Climate Change - Some Geological Facts on Global Warming
Many people are concerned about global warming; some due to the potential ill effects climate change can have on our planet and the human race.
While others are concerned about global warming talk providing governments with a means of control over private enterprise. These folks want their liberty and freedom to do what they want to do, when they want to do it, regardless of what others think about the results or consequences of their actions.
I say "ONE DOES NOT TRASH SCIENCE" out of a fear the scientific theory has gained interest from government regulators. If you want to fight the government regulation do so, trashing the #Facts of climate change is like denying the theory of evolution/
We first need to understand that the apparent root cause of the underlying problem is the burning of fossil fuels.
Carbon dioxide concentrations in our atmosphere to a large extent determines the present world climate, with temperature an important part.
Earth was formed some 4,540,000,000 years ago; with passage of geologic time, in the beginning, the Earth's atmosphere contained very little oxygen (less than 1% oxygen pressure). Carbon dioxide continued entering the atmosphere from natural sources such as volcanic eruptions and weathering of rocks, has been gradually used by vegetation, through the process of photosynthesis.
During the last half billion years, living creators, animals developed and evolved. These creatures help keep a natural balance using a process called respiration, they return some of the carbon stored in the standing biomass back to the atmosphere. They survive by eating and burning food, i.e., organic matter and this process returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and replenishes it. There is a natural balance ("dynamic equilibrium") between outputs and inputs of carbon dioxide: outputs through photosynthesis and inputs through respiration.
In the past two-and-a-half billion years, carbon has been temporarily stored above the Earth's surface as standing biomass and litter. During this time, excess quantities of carbon have been permanently stored below the surface as fossil deposits of coal, petroleum, and natural gas.
In recent times, humans have raced through the development of machines & equipment, a period we call the "Industrial Revolution". Our populations have more than doubled in the past 4 decades alone. Industrialized countries have passed on the torch to industrializing countries. Systems & equipment populations continue to grow.
These systems aren't so different than the animal creatures previously described. Call them man made "Creatures", as they burn fuel, which is normally organic matter. To power the equipment, humans burn fossil fuels, i.e., the surplus carbon stored in the soil substrate through geologic time. The burning of this fossil fuel may be threatening to the delicate balance of nature as more carbon enters the atmosphere than can be extracted from it by natural means. Does this send mother natures balance into a spin?
Scientists have conclusive studies show that a sizable fraction of the excess carbon dioxide is accumulating in the atmosphere. "The records at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, show an increase in the mean annual concentration of carbon dioxide, in the middle layers of the troposphere, from 316 ppm in 1959 to 386 ppm in 2008, i.e., a 22% increase in the past 50-yr period!", according to the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
Fossil fuels may be taken as nature's surplus energy, accumulated in geologic time through the soil substrate, effectively sequestered excess in order for the world's present climate to be preserved. A predicament for modern civilization: These fossil fuels are put away by nature; taking them out (in a relatively short time) at rates exceeding natural absorption will effect the world's present climate.
Rational thinking suggests the global community rethink system processes and make gradual moves away from burning fossil fuels for future industrial systems. The focus ought to be on development of sustainable energies such as: solar, wind, hydro, and biomass. Today, technological advancements have made these movements technically feasible.
GWB & GOP Financing
While the graph speaks for itself I'd like to point out that focusing on the period after 2000 alone provides clear insights into government finances in the Bush presidency.
This clearly reflects the liberal tax cuts for the rich, while steadily holding spending then an acceleration of rising expenditure on Bush Cheney Wars and occupation.
All during a Republican Presidency beginning 6 of those 8 years with a GOP Congress.
Not very pretty!
This clearly reflects the liberal tax cuts for the rich, while steadily holding spending then an acceleration of rising expenditure on Bush Cheney Wars and occupation.
All during a Republican Presidency beginning 6 of those 8 years with a GOP Congress.
Not very pretty!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
My Definition of #Conservative Means:
Does not allow the government to acquire large debts without a just and proportioned imposition upon the citizens at large. And this does not mean that each pays an equal burden, it means everyone pays, more appropriately each pays according to their means.
Does not eat live & breathe to Shut-down the Environmental Protection Agency; they support efforts to conserve natural resources and protect human and environmental health.
Does not mean government is bad; it means that government is good but needs only to be big enough to effectively do the job (government is therefore to be best when small & effective).
Does not mean Right Wing Authoritarianism; Republican political conservatives are witnessed by their intolerance of ambiguity and need for cognitive closure, true conservatives are open to change and not fearful of uncertainty. After all The theory of evolution demonstrates that those most likely to survive are those most able to adapt to change.
My definition of conservative does not mean one who is disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change. This is exactly where the GOP is today, trying to return places we were decades and/or a century ago. Oh shucks, as far as the Republican Party is concerned, this is exactly what conservative means.
Tired of these knuckle heads giving 21st century conservatism a bad name.
There are conservatives who are not associated with the Republican Party in any way shape or form that are good for our society. Together everybody achieves more; #TEAM
Does not eat live & breathe to Shut-down the Environmental Protection Agency; they support efforts to conserve natural resources and protect human and environmental health.
Does not mean government is bad; it means that government is good but needs only to be big enough to effectively do the job (government is therefore to be best when small & effective).
Does not mean Right Wing Authoritarianism; Republican political conservatives are witnessed by their intolerance of ambiguity and need for cognitive closure, true conservatives are open to change and not fearful of uncertainty. After all The theory of evolution demonstrates that those most likely to survive are those most able to adapt to change.
My definition of conservative does not mean one who is disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change. This is exactly where the GOP is today, trying to return places we were decades and/or a century ago. Oh shucks, as far as the Republican Party is concerned, this is exactly what conservative means.
Tired of these knuckle heads giving 21st century conservatism a bad name.
There are conservatives who are not associated with the Republican Party in any way shape or form that are good for our society. Together everybody achieves more; #TEAM
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Is it Groundhog Day? Again?
The Republican Party has settled into a comfortable pattern in their politics today.
It revolves around managing reality for those that can not or choose not to manage reality for themselves.
Does not say much for the intelligence and education of the grass roots party base.
The #GOP said cut taxes, to grow the economy and create jobs:
The #GOP says job crushing regulation is creating uncertainty for small business(s) and entrepreneurs:
Today we hear loud and clear, lower taxes and less government regulation create certainty in order that small business(s) entrepreneurs will create jobs.
Eyes wide open people, what nice things has this policy brought to us in the past 12 years? Do you really want to repeat it, again and again, and again?
It revolves around managing reality for those that can not or choose not to manage reality for themselves.
Does not say much for the intelligence and education of the grass roots party base.
The #GOP said cut taxes, to grow the economy and create jobs:
- >10 years of George W. Bush tax cuts & extensions and no job creation!
The #GOP says job crushing regulation is creating uncertainty for small business(s) and entrepreneurs:
- All while congress fails to perform their constitutional role of legislative/regulatory oversight.
- Instead congress deregulates the financial services industry and allow Wall Street to cause the greatest recession since 1929.
- Rather than properly staff and fund remaining oversight agencies they withdraw support for oversight any oversight.
Today we hear loud and clear, lower taxes and less government regulation create certainty in order that small business(s) entrepreneurs will create jobs.
Eyes wide open people, what nice things has this policy brought to us in the past 12 years? Do you really want to repeat it, again and again, and again?
Starve the Beast
"The Beast" (government spending) has been starved of government revenue since the 2001 and 2003 Bush Tax Cuts. And since those first of the cuts, "the Beast" has borrowed to spend as Congress raised the debt ceiling on the United States public debt from $5.95 trillion to $14.294 trillion - a 140% or $8.344 trillion increase.
Where would we be if we returned to Clinton Era Tax Rates, letting the Bush Era Tax Cuts and extensions expire?
American citizens know a carnival barker when they see one:
Rather than proposing unpopular spending cuts, the #GOP pushed through popular tax cuts, with the deliberate intention of worsening the government’s fiscal position.
They now sell citizens spending cuts as a necessity rather than a choice as the only way to eliminate an unsustainable budget deficit.
Republicans insist that the deficit must be eliminated, but they’re not willing either to raise taxes or to support cuts in any major government programs.
This means they’re unwilling to participate in serious bipartisan discussions, either, because that might force them to explain their plan — and there isn’t any plan, except to regain power!
Eyes wide open people, the #GOP says, we don't have a revenue problem we have a spending problem:
I say, we have a partisan ideology problem. And the cure requires elimination of #GOP control of State Houses, Legislatures and from government control in Washington DC
Where would we be if we returned to Clinton Era Tax Rates, letting the Bush Era Tax Cuts and extensions expire?
American citizens know a carnival barker when they see one:
Rather than proposing unpopular spending cuts, the #GOP pushed through popular tax cuts, with the deliberate intention of worsening the government’s fiscal position.
They now sell citizens spending cuts as a necessity rather than a choice as the only way to eliminate an unsustainable budget deficit.
Republicans insist that the deficit must be eliminated, but they’re not willing either to raise taxes or to support cuts in any major government programs.
This means they’re unwilling to participate in serious bipartisan discussions, either, because that might force them to explain their plan — and there isn’t any plan, except to regain power!
Eyes wide open people, the #GOP says, we don't have a revenue problem we have a spending problem:
I say, we have a partisan ideology problem. And the cure requires elimination of #GOP control of State Houses, Legislatures and from government control in Washington DC
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Presidential & Congressional Election of the Century - 2012-2
In 1791 a bank was created to handle the financial needs and requirements of the central government of the newly formed United States, which had previously been thirteen individual states with their own banks, currencies, financial institutions, and policies.
The charter was set for a 20-year expiration date.
According to Wikipedia: " "The First Bank of the United States", was proposed and brought into being under the support of the first Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton. Along with establishing a mint and an excise tax, the purpose of Hamilton's proposed bank was to:
There were also arguments that the creation of such a bank violated the Constitution, which did not list the creation of a Bank of the United States or of a government mint, for that matter, among the expressed powers allowed to the federal government.
Politics got in the way of this first bank of the United States and it's charter was not renewed by Congress.
In 1816, the Second Bank of the United States was chartered in 1816, by many of the same congressmen who in 1811 had refused to renew the charter of the original Bank of the United States. Subsequent to the War of 1812, the U.S. experienced severe inflation and had a hard time financing the government as the credit and borrowing status of the United States were at their lowest levels since its founding.
Like the First Bank, the Second Bank was also chartered for 20 years, and also failed to have its charter renewed. It existed for 5 more years as an ordinary bank before going bankrupt in 1841.
In 1863 and 1864 the National Banking Acts were passed by congress. These two federal laws established a system of national charters for banks, and created the United States National Banking System we have today. It helped develop our national currency backed by bank holdings of U.S. Treasury securities and established regulations of nationally chartered banks. The legacy of the Act is its impact on the national banking system as it stands today and its support of a uniform U.S. monetary policy.
One hundred and forty eight (148) years later, we have the same argument taking place about over regulated private industry.
And seek transparency for the actions and activities of the Federal Reserve.
Since there is unprecedented power in today's political and banking systems we need regulation and oversight on both our private industry and our politicians.
Every Vote Matters!
Especially When Politicians Try to Suppress the Vote!
Voting has Consequences! Not Voting has Consequences!
The charter was set for a 20-year expiration date.
According to Wikipedia: " "The First Bank of the United States", was proposed and brought into being under the support of the first Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton. Along with establishing a mint and an excise tax, the purpose of Hamilton's proposed bank was to:
- Establish financial order, clarity and precedence in and of the newly formed United States.
- Establish credit—both in country and overseas—for the new nation.
- To resolve the issue of the fiat currency, issued by the Continental Congress immediately prior to and during the United States Revolutionary War—the "Continental"."
There were also arguments that the creation of such a bank violated the Constitution, which did not list the creation of a Bank of the United States or of a government mint, for that matter, among the expressed powers allowed to the federal government.
Politics got in the way of this first bank of the United States and it's charter was not renewed by Congress.
In 1816, the Second Bank of the United States was chartered in 1816, by many of the same congressmen who in 1811 had refused to renew the charter of the original Bank of the United States. Subsequent to the War of 1812, the U.S. experienced severe inflation and had a hard time financing the government as the credit and borrowing status of the United States were at their lowest levels since its founding.
Like the First Bank, the Second Bank was also chartered for 20 years, and also failed to have its charter renewed. It existed for 5 more years as an ordinary bank before going bankrupt in 1841.
In 1863 and 1864 the National Banking Acts were passed by congress. These two federal laws established a system of national charters for banks, and created the United States National Banking System we have today. It helped develop our national currency backed by bank holdings of U.S. Treasury securities and established regulations of nationally chartered banks. The legacy of the Act is its impact on the national banking system as it stands today and its support of a uniform U.S. monetary policy.
One hundred and forty eight (148) years later, we have the same argument taking place about over regulated private industry.
And seek transparency for the actions and activities of the Federal Reserve.
Since there is unprecedented power in today's political and banking systems we need regulation and oversight on both our private industry and our politicians.
Every Vote Matters!
Especially When Politicians Try to Suppress the Vote!
Voting has Consequences! Not Voting has Consequences!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Presidential & Congressional Election of the Century - 2012-1
In 1789 under our new government the country found itself with $54 million in debt as the previous form of government under the Articles of Confederation had been unable to levy taxes; it had borrowed money to meet expenses, and the states had amassed an additional $25 million in debt.
The first Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, urged the consolidation of state and national debt into a single debt that would be funded by the federal government. Congress approved these measures in June and July of 1790.
Alexander Hamilton sought to use this debt to create a financial system that would promote American prosperity and national unity; he instituted a luxury tax on Whiskey. And the whiskey excise act, sometimes known as the "Whiskey Act", became law in March 1791.
What stirred and brewed over the next years today is known as the "Whiskey Rebellion" . The insurrection collapsed as the army of the United States of America marched into western Pennsylvania in October 1794.
Every Vote Matters!
Especially When Politicians Try to Suppress the Vote!
Voting has Consequences! Not Voting has Consequences!
The first Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, urged the consolidation of state and national debt into a single debt that would be funded by the federal government. Congress approved these measures in June and July of 1790.
Alexander Hamilton sought to use this debt to create a financial system that would promote American prosperity and national unity; he instituted a luxury tax on Whiskey. And the whiskey excise act, sometimes known as the "Whiskey Act", became law in March 1791.
What stirred and brewed over the next years today is known as the "Whiskey Rebellion" . The insurrection collapsed as the army of the United States of America marched into western Pennsylvania in October 1794.
Every Vote Matters!
Especially When Politicians Try to Suppress the Vote!
Voting has Consequences! Not Voting has Consequences!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
GOP Political Euphemism (s) - Fast Facts #8
We don't have a revenue problem we have a spending problem in Washington.
Speaker of the House John Boehner explained: "Washington does not have a revenue problem. Washington has a spending problem."
Majority Leader Eric Cantor said: "The fact [that] I think most Americans get, Washington does not have a revenue problem. It's got a spending problem."
Senator Orrin Hatch said: "We don't have a revenue problem;" "We all know we have a spending problem."
Look at the countries tax revenue since we received the George W. Bush "UNPAID" "NOT OFFSET" tax cuts. Then we have estate tax changes and extensions of these same tax cuts to see the countries tax revenue slump to 50 year lows.
At a time when the country grew from a population of 281,421,906 in 2000 to a population of 308,745,538 in 2010. This is an increase of 2,732,363 residents, an increase of just under 10% in 10 years.
So I'm not saying that we can't look at spending. And I am not opposed to pairing back some of the governments wastes, frauds and abuses.
And the tax cuts and extensions over these past 11 years has placed us in a very precarious position.
Fact is the GOP drove us here while in charge of the white house and controlling congress at the start of 6 of those 8 wonderful George W. Bush years. All while the Democrats sat in the back seat, watching the pretty scenery.
Today the GOP talks like they have our budget problem solutions and it is not a revenue problem, it's a spending problem, our anwser from heaven.
These marketing charlatans are not the solution.
They are the problem.
Send them home from Washington DC for good.
Speaker of the House John Boehner explained: "Washington does not have a revenue problem. Washington has a spending problem."
Majority Leader Eric Cantor said: "The fact [that] I think most Americans get, Washington does not have a revenue problem. It's got a spending problem."
Senator Orrin Hatch said: "We don't have a revenue problem;" "We all know we have a spending problem."
Look at the countries tax revenue since we received the George W. Bush "UNPAID" "NOT OFFSET" tax cuts. Then we have estate tax changes and extensions of these same tax cuts to see the countries tax revenue slump to 50 year lows.
At a time when the country grew from a population of 281,421,906 in 2000 to a population of 308,745,538 in 2010. This is an increase of 2,732,363 residents, an increase of just under 10% in 10 years.
So I'm not saying that we can't look at spending. And I am not opposed to pairing back some of the governments wastes, frauds and abuses.
And the tax cuts and extensions over these past 11 years has placed us in a very precarious position.
Fact is the GOP drove us here while in charge of the white house and controlling congress at the start of 6 of those 8 wonderful George W. Bush years. All while the Democrats sat in the back seat, watching the pretty scenery.
Today the GOP talks like they have our budget problem solutions and it is not a revenue problem, it's a spending problem, our anwser from heaven.
These marketing charlatans are not the solution.
They are the problem.
Send them home from Washington DC for good.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
GOP Political Euphemism (s) - Fast Facts #7
The Ryan Budget was created with much input from the Heritage foundation and has been put forward by the #GOP as their own.
Ryan's budget plan includes a measure creating a voucher-like system to replace the our current medicare program for future retirees to purchase subsidized health plans from private insurance companies.
At the end of the month of May Senator Mitch McConnell said that Medicare spending is being discussed in budget negotiations between congressional leaders and the White House. "Medicare is on the table," McConnell said at a news conference.
Running away from their original statements of "we are saving Medicare from going broke" no really, "we are preserving medicare", the new Republican Party Line is Medicare is broke, everyone agrees and is on board that Medicare has to be changed so anything which will be done will be done by agreement.
Fact is the Republicans, eager to move the economic discussion away from their budget plan and its unpopular Medicare overhaul back to the more comfortable ideas like lowering taxes and getting rid of burdensome regulations on businesses.
Just another in a long line of political euphemisms used by the GOP, a party with ever changing litmus tests.....
Ryan described President Obama's budget proposal as "rationing" Medicare, countering that the program needed support and solutions, "not government."
Accept responsibility for your deeds.
Remember, for more than 11 years we have reaped the benefits of GOP tax cuts and tax cut extensions. Some by GOP majorities, some by GOP negotiating compromises from ill equipped (for negotiating) Democratic majorities.
Thank you GOP, men of many words, few facts , but many words.
Ryan's budget plan includes a measure creating a voucher-like system to replace the our current medicare program for future retirees to purchase subsidized health plans from private insurance companies.
At the end of the month of May Senator Mitch McConnell said that Medicare spending is being discussed in budget negotiations between congressional leaders and the White House. "Medicare is on the table," McConnell said at a news conference.
Running away from their original statements of "we are saving Medicare from going broke" no really, "we are preserving medicare", the new Republican Party Line is Medicare is broke, everyone agrees and is on board that Medicare has to be changed so anything which will be done will be done by agreement.
Fact is the Republicans, eager to move the economic discussion away from their budget plan and its unpopular Medicare overhaul back to the more comfortable ideas like lowering taxes and getting rid of burdensome regulations on businesses.
Just another in a long line of political euphemisms used by the GOP, a party with ever changing litmus tests.....
Ryan described President Obama's budget proposal as "rationing" Medicare, countering that the program needed support and solutions, "not government."
Accept responsibility for your deeds.
Remember, for more than 11 years we have reaped the benefits of GOP tax cuts and tax cut extensions. Some by GOP majorities, some by GOP negotiating compromises from ill equipped (for negotiating) Democratic majorities.
Thank you GOP, men of many words, few facts , but many words.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Commodity Tree Shaking - A Buying Opportunity?
The financial markets have been extracting money from the public at large by creating an environment where people pay higher prices for fossil fuels and pay more for retail commodity products or receive less of a product in a container for the same retail price.
All this occurs while the average American asset base is losing value due to our Federal Reserve printing press, printing money which devalues the US Dollar.
Recent trading in oil and gasoline futures was briefly halted when the slide in gas prices reached 25 cents, triggering a preset circuit breaker. That circuit breaker was reset and trading resumed. This in the face of tremendous flooding which will hit the lower Mississippi River and will likely affect refineries in the South reducing gasoline supplies just its normally highest seasonal demand. When demand rises and supply falls, prices rise!
The US Dollar jumped against the euro as convenient fears rise again about another European crisis due to Greece defaulting on their debt. Every time a dollar reversal is determined necessary all financial channels start talking about the PIG’s and how the European Community is in trouble. Coincidence?
As the easily accessible supply of oil is diminished while the world’s population grows there will be a continued rise in the costs of all fossil fuels. The laws of supply and demand suggest the price of oil, gasoline and food stuff commodities will continue to rise. This will happen as the world population grows and further industrialization stresses our natural resource capacities.
Now is the time to determine at what level of pull back you will decide to invest in the future rise of these commodity prices.
Alternate investments to maintain your asset base to counteract the continued devaluation of the US dollar is to invest in funds like FXA and FXC (Australian and Canadian currencies)
Healthy Trading!
All this occurs while the average American asset base is losing value due to our Federal Reserve printing press, printing money which devalues the US Dollar.
Recent trading in oil and gasoline futures was briefly halted when the slide in gas prices reached 25 cents, triggering a preset circuit breaker. That circuit breaker was reset and trading resumed. This in the face of tremendous flooding which will hit the lower Mississippi River and will likely affect refineries in the South reducing gasoline supplies just its normally highest seasonal demand. When demand rises and supply falls, prices rise!
The US Dollar jumped against the euro as convenient fears rise again about another European crisis due to Greece defaulting on their debt. Every time a dollar reversal is determined necessary all financial channels start talking about the PIG’s and how the European Community is in trouble. Coincidence?
As the easily accessible supply of oil is diminished while the world’s population grows there will be a continued rise in the costs of all fossil fuels. The laws of supply and demand suggest the price of oil, gasoline and food stuff commodities will continue to rise. This will happen as the world population grows and further industrialization stresses our natural resource capacities.
Now is the time to determine at what level of pull back you will decide to invest in the future rise of these commodity prices.
Alternate investments to maintain your asset base to counteract the continued devaluation of the US dollar is to invest in funds like FXA and FXC (Australian and Canadian currencies)
Healthy Trading!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
GOP's $34 Trillion in Costs Transferred to Seniors
Representative Ryan’s $30 Trillion Medicare Waste Tax
This is in addition to the shortfall I've already demonstrated here:
Ryan's Vouchers Purchase a Private Insurance Plan
This is in addition to the shortfall I've already demonstrated here:
Ryan's Vouchers Purchase a Private Insurance Plan
Monday, May 2, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Ryan's Vouchers Purchase a Private Insurance Plan
Example of the Ryan Voucher (Coupon) Program trying to purchase an actual Private Insurance Program from a State Managed Plan.
Who is the Health Reinsurance Association (HRA)?
The Connecticut Health Care Act of 1975 created the Health Reinsurance Association (HRA) to make available to eligible individuals in Connecticut a comprehensive health care plan designed to help meet medical costs of non-occupational injuries and diseases.
HRA is a non-profit association comprised of all private insurance companies and PPOs that provide health insurance in Connecticut.
Rates for the PPO Plan Follow:
60-64 year old male health insurance costs $1,829.01 a month times 12 months or $21,948.12 a year. If the Paul Ryan Budget in the "Path to Prosperity" Medicare voucher or coupon pays the equivalent of $15,000 a year. The citizen is short a minimum of $6,948.12 each year for the rest of his life. (If the Medicare voucher or coupon is equivalent of $11,000 then the citizen is short $10,948.12 each year for the rest of his life. )
Add his annual deductible of $1,500 to his voucher deficiency and he is now out of pocket at least $8,448.12 per year each year for the rest of his life. (If the Medicare voucher or coupon is equivalent of $11,000 then the citizen is short $12,448.12 each year for the rest of his life). Remember that this plan only covers 80% of in-network charges. So your also out of pocket for 20% of every charge above and beyond your annual deductible.
There is a 12 month waiting period for preexisting conditions.
Out of Pocket Maximum- Only out-of-pocket expenses for covered services count toward the out-of-pocket maximum.
Annual Deductibles- The amount you pay out-of-pocket for covered services before the plan begins to reimburse you.
Physicians Services In-Network Out of Network
Hospital Services
Think I'm kidding - Full details found here!
Tell Mr. Paul Ryan, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from Wisconsin's 1st district that his plan is NOT in the best interest of any American Citizen!
Approaching $9,000.00 less in assistance than present medicare program provides. (If his Medicare voucher or coupon is equivalent of $11,000.00 then the elderly man is approaching a $14,000.00 shortage each year for the rest of his life).
Who is the Health Reinsurance Association (HRA)?
The Connecticut Health Care Act of 1975 created the Health Reinsurance Association (HRA) to make available to eligible individuals in Connecticut a comprehensive health care plan designed to help meet medical costs of non-occupational injuries and diseases.
HRA is a non-profit association comprised of all private insurance companies and PPOs that provide health insurance in Connecticut.
Rates for the PPO Plan Follow:
60-64 year old male health insurance costs $1,829.01 a month times 12 months or $21,948.12 a year. If the Paul Ryan Budget in the "Path to Prosperity" Medicare voucher or coupon pays the equivalent of $15,000 a year. The citizen is short a minimum of $6,948.12 each year for the rest of his life. (If the Medicare voucher or coupon is equivalent of $11,000 then the citizen is short $10,948.12 each year for the rest of his life. )
Add his annual deductible of $1,500 to his voucher deficiency and he is now out of pocket at least $8,448.12 per year each year for the rest of his life. (If the Medicare voucher or coupon is equivalent of $11,000 then the citizen is short $12,448.12 each year for the rest of his life). Remember that this plan only covers 80% of in-network charges. So your also out of pocket for 20% of every charge above and beyond your annual deductible.
There is a 12 month waiting period for preexisting conditions.
Out of Pocket Maximum- Only out-of-pocket expenses for covered services count toward the out-of-pocket maximum.
- In-Network $7,500 per Individual
- Out of Network $15,000 per Individual
Annual Deductibles- The amount you pay out-of-pocket for covered services before the plan begins to reimburse you.
- In-Network $1,500 per Individual
- Out of Network $3,000 per Individual
Physicians Services In-Network Out of Network
- Office visits 80% after deductible 60% after deductible
- Inpatient surgery 80% after deductible 60% after deductible
- Outpatient surgery 80% after deductible 60% after deductible
Hospital Services
- Inpatient 80% after deductible 60% after deductible
- Outpatient 80% after deductible 60% after deductible
- Emergency Room 80% after deductible 60% after deductible
- Skilled Nursing Facility 80% after deductible 60% after deductible
- 120 day maximum 120 day maximum
- Occupation/Speech Therapy 80% after deductible 60% after deductible
Think I'm kidding - Full details found here!
Tell Mr. Paul Ryan, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from Wisconsin's 1st district that his plan is NOT in the best interest of any American Citizen!
Approaching $9,000.00 less in assistance than present medicare program provides. (If his Medicare voucher or coupon is equivalent of $11,000.00 then the elderly man is approaching a $14,000.00 shortage each year for the rest of his life).
Tax Expenditures
Tax expenditures in simple terms, are spending programs implemented through our tax code.
These programs offer businesses and people special tax treatment: credits, deductions, exclusions, exemptions, deferrals, and preferential rates.
These special treatments support various government policies such as helping people pay for a college education, buy a home or save for retirement; or entice business to invest new plants and equipment, in green energy technologies or drill for oil or gas; and more.
The government uses both tax expenditures by taking all taxpayer dollars and giving them to others to spend for a specific purpose. It uses tax expenditures to accomplish the same goals as direct spending (giving money), but it instead transfers money by lowering taxes for an individual or company.
Tax expenditures are not subject to the same annual appropriations process as other forms of spending. This means they are less likely to be scrutinized.
Do you hear any serious discussion on reducing tax expenditures?
Members of Congress tend to pursue their priorities through tax expenditures because they appear to the American People as tax cuts instead of spending increases.
The cost of tax expenditures has dramatically increased over the last 20 years partly because they are excluded from the budget process and because they pretend to be tax cuts.
Tell your congressperson you want tax expenditures subject to the annual budget evaluation process. And that you desire Congress to report annually of the costs and the benefits of each tax expenditure (spending) so one can consider which tax expenditures are worthy of keeping and which ones need to be eliminated.
Spending programs delivered through tax expenditures should be subject to the same level of scrutiny as direct spending programs. Tax expenditures need to be delivered efficiently and if they don't work they need to be cut the same as ineffective spending programs.
These programs offer businesses and people special tax treatment: credits, deductions, exclusions, exemptions, deferrals, and preferential rates.
These special treatments support various government policies such as helping people pay for a college education, buy a home or save for retirement; or entice business to invest new plants and equipment, in green energy technologies or drill for oil or gas; and more.
The government uses both tax expenditures by taking all taxpayer dollars and giving them to others to spend for a specific purpose. It uses tax expenditures to accomplish the same goals as direct spending (giving money), but it instead transfers money by lowering taxes for an individual or company.
Tax expenditures are not subject to the same annual appropriations process as other forms of spending. This means they are less likely to be scrutinized.
Do you hear any serious discussion on reducing tax expenditures?
Members of Congress tend to pursue their priorities through tax expenditures because they appear to the American People as tax cuts instead of spending increases.
The cost of tax expenditures has dramatically increased over the last 20 years partly because they are excluded from the budget process and because they pretend to be tax cuts.
Tell your congressperson you want tax expenditures subject to the annual budget evaluation process. And that you desire Congress to report annually of the costs and the benefits of each tax expenditure (spending) so one can consider which tax expenditures are worthy of keeping and which ones need to be eliminated.
Spending programs delivered through tax expenditures should be subject to the same level of scrutiny as direct spending programs. Tax expenditures need to be delivered efficiently and if they don't work they need to be cut the same as ineffective spending programs.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
US Government 2009 Agriculture Subsidies
USDA subsidies in the United States totaled $16.3 billion in 2009
Total USDA - Subsidies by state, 2009
How many GOP supporters who talk about the socialism receive these benefits?
Look up states which receive the greatest benefits from our countries agriculture policies:
Click Here!
Total USDA - Subsidies by state, 2009
How many GOP supporters who talk about the socialism receive these benefits?
Look up states which receive the greatest benefits from our countries agriculture policies:
Click Here!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Bi-Partisan Proposed Cap on Federal Spending
Proposed Cap on Federal Spending Would Force Deep Cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security
Remember how we got here?
This solution is a shirk of responsibility. Easy way for politicians.
A means to avoid or neglect their duty or responsibility.
Click Here to Effects of The Proposed Cap!
Remember how we got here?
This solution is a shirk of responsibility. Easy way for politicians.
A means to avoid or neglect their duty or responsibility.
Click Here to Effects of The Proposed Cap!
- Capping Spending at or Below the Historical Average Would Necessitate Even More Severe Cuts in Future Decades
- Cap Would Drive Substantial Cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, And Social Security Over the Next Decade
- Historical Spending Averages Bear Little Relevance for the Future
- Cap Would Require Radical Restructuring of Medicare and Medicaid
- Eliminating Traditional Medicare
- Block-Granting Medicaid
- Spending Cap Would Likely Require Repeal of Major Coverage Elements of Health Reform
- Spending Cap Would Require Large Cuts in Social Security Over Both the Near and Long Term
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Think Bigger Than Self
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead
Think Bigger Than Self, Click Here - If Everyone Cared, Must Read Sub-titles:
The New Colossus - The Statue of Liberty Poem
"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand a mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command the air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she with silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
*** Think Bigger than Self! ***
Expansion of Sum: (1+x)^n=1+nx/1!+(n(n-1) x^2)/2!+⋯
Margaret Mead
Think Bigger Than Self, Click Here - If Everyone Cared, Must Read Sub-titles:
The New Colossus - The Statue of Liberty Poem
"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand a mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command the air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she with silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
*** Think Bigger than Self! ***
Expansion of Sum: (1+x)^n=1+nx/1!+(n(n-1) x^2)/2!+⋯
Friday, April 15, 2011
Ryan Budget Plan Boasts Bigger Better than Reality
Ryan Budget Plan Produces Far Less Real Deficit Cutting than Reported.
Fact is the Plan’s $4.3 Trillion in Program Cuts, Offset by $4.2 Trillion in Tax Cuts, Yield Just $155 Billion in Deficit Reduction
Read full story here!
Fact is the Plan’s $4.3 Trillion in Program Cuts, Offset by $4.2 Trillion in Tax Cuts, Yield Just $155 Billion in Deficit Reduction
Read full story here!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Small Business Owner & Government Regulation
I am a small business owner who provides business consulting services to other business owners.
I don't see many small business owners who use business models or operating systems where efficient methods to perform said tasks do not already exist (in compliance with government regulations).
Historically regulations are enacted as a result of major economic harm caused to our countries gross national production by a private industry activity (meaning GDP dollars are being wasted causing harm rather than doing work).
This might be employee safety, environmental safety, food safety and other major segments of our economy.
Small business operations benefit from government regulations.
If we went without environmental health and safety regulations the cost to do business would surely be greater. The cost to insure business operations would clearly be more expensive. And there would likely be more business owners in bankruptcy due to the inability to properly manage the operational risk of their company.
Regulations help business owners to know the most dangerous operations of their chosen career and provides a road-map to successfully navigate the dangers inherent in their businesses. Regulations also reduce the cost of illness, injury and law suits which would result from a lack thereof.
Government regulations, thank you for helping new small business owners successfully navigate their business most dangerous operations allowing them to succeed and grow to hire their fellow citizens.
Think about it in a different way: A tort, in common law jurisdictions, is a wrong that involves a breach of a civil duty (other than a contractual duty) owed to someone else.
A person who suffers a tortious injury is entitled to receive "damages", usually monetary compensation, from the person or people responsible — or liable — for those injuries.
Tort law defines what is a legal injury and whether a person may be held liable for an injury they have caused.
Legal injuries are not limited to physical injuries. This may include emotional, economic, or reputational injuries as well as violations of privacy, property, or constitutional rights.
Tort cases comprise topics such as auto accidents, false imprisonment, defamation, product liability (for defective consumer products), copyright infringement, and environmental pollution (toxic torts), among many others.
Again I say small business operations benefit from government regulations.
The cost to insure business operations would clearly be more expensive.
Law suits from people claiming fraud, misrepresentation, breach of contract would be greater.
And there would likely be more business owners in bankruptcy due to the inability to properly manage the operational risk of their company.
I don't see many small business owners who use business models or operating systems where efficient methods to perform said tasks do not already exist (in compliance with government regulations).
- If I am an excavation company there are tools and equipment to dig safely while protecting equipment, employees and the environment.
- If I am a coal mining operation, there are tools and equipment to mine safely while protecting equipment, employees and the environment.
- If I am an electrician, there are tools and equipment to install, upgrade or maintain electrical systems safely while protecting equipment, employees and the environment.
- If I am a grocery store owner, there are there are tools and equipment to operate a convenience store safely while protecting product, equipment, shoppers and employees.
Historically regulations are enacted as a result of major economic harm caused to our countries gross national production by a private industry activity (meaning GDP dollars are being wasted causing harm rather than doing work).
This might be employee safety, environmental safety, food safety and other major segments of our economy.
Small business operations benefit from government regulations.
If we went without environmental health and safety regulations the cost to do business would surely be greater. The cost to insure business operations would clearly be more expensive. And there would likely be more business owners in bankruptcy due to the inability to properly manage the operational risk of their company.
Regulations help business owners to know the most dangerous operations of their chosen career and provides a road-map to successfully navigate the dangers inherent in their businesses. Regulations also reduce the cost of illness, injury and law suits which would result from a lack thereof.
Government regulations, thank you for helping new small business owners successfully navigate their business most dangerous operations allowing them to succeed and grow to hire their fellow citizens.
Think about it in a different way: A tort, in common law jurisdictions, is a wrong that involves a breach of a civil duty (other than a contractual duty) owed to someone else.
A person who suffers a tortious injury is entitled to receive "damages", usually monetary compensation, from the person or people responsible — or liable — for those injuries.
Tort law defines what is a legal injury and whether a person may be held liable for an injury they have caused.
Legal injuries are not limited to physical injuries. This may include emotional, economic, or reputational injuries as well as violations of privacy, property, or constitutional rights.
Tort cases comprise topics such as auto accidents, false imprisonment, defamation, product liability (for defective consumer products), copyright infringement, and environmental pollution (toxic torts), among many others.
Again I say small business operations benefit from government regulations.
The cost to insure business operations would clearly be more expensive.
Law suits from people claiming fraud, misrepresentation, breach of contract would be greater.
And there would likely be more business owners in bankruptcy due to the inability to properly manage the operational risk of their company.
Tell the GOP Their Plans are Unacceptable
Let's review what the George W. Bush Presidency with Republican Congress (6 of 8 years) did for America from 2000 - 2008:
In short the activities which caused our problem today were imprudent tax cuts when our government officials ought to have been planning to secure the benefits citizens paid for their entire working life rather than offering corporate socialism and fighting unpaid for wars should now be corrected by offering more tax cuts and the sacrifice of benefits by citizens whom have already paid for the benefits of the insurance plans for their entire working life.
MEDICARE Premiums Paid for Service to Be Rendered at retirement.
The George W. Bush temporary tax cuts have been in place over 10 years and business had so much certainty we created a depression, we created no jobs, we lost great value in the dollar, our standard of living for the Average American dropped, some of us went bankrupt, lost our house and our savings.
Tell your elected official the Republican Parties solution for our countries economic problems are unacceptable to you as a citizen of the United States of America.
- Cut taxes to starve (GOP Perceived Big) government.
- Deregulate to bring unfettered free market principles back to business
- Create Government Budgets which do not account for all government spending (GOP never budgeted for off balance sheet expenditures like Middle East Wars) widening deficits.
- Create larger and larger government deficits with full knowledge our citizens were aging and therefore would be cashing in on the insurance programs the people paid for during their entire working life. (GOP failing to properly budget for and fund for an entire decade)
- Allow corporations to damage the environment and our financial system then prevent subpoena power to congressional oversight committees entrusted by our constitution to protect the people from such acts.
- Now, today call for further tax cuts and tax cut extensions due to the depressed economy brought upon the nation by the very same policies they call to action today.
In short the activities which caused our problem today were imprudent tax cuts when our government officials ought to have been planning to secure the benefits citizens paid for their entire working life rather than offering corporate socialism and fighting unpaid for wars should now be corrected by offering more tax cuts and the sacrifice of benefits by citizens whom have already paid for the benefits of the insurance plans for their entire working life.
MEDICARE Premiums Paid for Service to Be Rendered at retirement.
- 30 year old paid insurance premiums for at least 10 years
- 35 year old paid insurance premiums for at least 15 years
- 40 year old paid insurance premiums for at least 20 years
- 45 year old paid insurance premiums for at least 25 years
- 50 year old paid insurance premiums for at least 30 years
- 55 year old paid insurance premiums for at least 35 years
- 60 year old paid insurance premiums for at least 40 years
- 65 year old paid insurance premiums for at least 45 years
The George W. Bush temporary tax cuts have been in place over 10 years and business had so much certainty we created a depression, we created no jobs, we lost great value in the dollar, our standard of living for the Average American dropped, some of us went bankrupt, lost our house and our savings.
Tell your elected official the Republican Parties solution for our countries economic problems are unacceptable to you as a citizen of the United States of America.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
GOP Political Euphemism (s) - Fast Facts #6
GOP Quote: "America needs tax cuts not tax increases to create jobs,"
Factual Response: Tax cuts have been provided to the economy for the past 11 years. Only the top income earners in America are now being asked by President Barack Obama to contribute a little more toward the whole of the nation after prospering greatly over the past decade.
During the 8 years George W. Bush held Office as President of the United States, 6 of those 8 years having a Republican controlled congress, we had miserable job growth. So when the GOP says we need tax cuts or tax cut extensions for certainty and for job growth, well, the facts prove otherwise.
Job losses from the masterful leadership of our Republic colleagues continued for more than one full years after George W. Bush left office. Remember, as a result of the recession left to our nation after 8 years of Republican leadership, millions of people lost their jobs, millions of people lost their homes and millions of people tapped into or lost their retirement nest eggs.
Say no to Republican Politicians Use of Class Ware-fare, do not accept the false idea that tax-cuts creates certainty and jobs. We've been there and done that before. The results were not good!
Factual Response: Tax cuts have been provided to the economy for the past 11 years. Only the top income earners in America are now being asked by President Barack Obama to contribute a little more toward the whole of the nation after prospering greatly over the past decade.
During the 8 years George W. Bush held Office as President of the United States, 6 of those 8 years having a Republican controlled congress, we had miserable job growth. So when the GOP says we need tax cuts or tax cut extensions for certainty and for job growth, well, the facts prove otherwise.
Job losses from the masterful leadership of our Republic colleagues continued for more than one full years after George W. Bush left office. Remember, as a result of the recession left to our nation after 8 years of Republican leadership, millions of people lost their jobs, millions of people lost their homes and millions of people tapped into or lost their retirement nest eggs.
Say no to Republican Politicians Use of Class Ware-fare, do not accept the false idea that tax-cuts creates certainty and jobs. We've been there and done that before. The results were not good!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Tax and Expense as Percentage of GDP
Obama received a country in a deep depression from the GOP. As economies fall into recession government expenses rise dramatically as average American households get hurt and need financial assistance while government revenues dramatically drops as economic activity stalls denying tax revenue to governments.
This raises the expense to GDP ratio while dropping the tax to GDP ratio.
So we now enjoy an economy struggling to equalize from a severe disruption. We lost 8 - 10 million jobs and have many citizens under employed for their education and experience.
Home values having lost an average of nearly 35% for an average American homeowner.
Personal bankruptcies rose from 800,000 in 2007 to 1,600,000 in 2010.
Mortgage foreclosures at the worst were 1 in every 200 homes.
The Republican party controlled the Whitehouse from 2000-2008. They also controlled both houses of congress at the start of 6 out of 8 of those George W. Bush years.
The tax cuts first delivered to us by George W. Bush & the GOP Congress on a temporary basis in 2001 and again in 2003 sure did good creating certainty in the economy, created jobs and did nothing but good for America. "What a joke" as they continue to sing the same old song, I'm not buying it and neither should you!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
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- FConSMod
- Elections matter-openly cynical of government business as usual-Supreme Court Justices 5-4 open warfare on my Individual Liberty-Teach as Knowledge is Power!