Monday, August 13, 2012

Republican vs. American Values - The Record

 Let's review what Republican Party Policies gave to us from 2000 - 2008:

  • Cut taxes for most citizens ended up starving government of adequate funding.
  • Deregulated investment banking to bring unfettered free market principles back to business, created greedy investment banks that defrauded depositors by borrowing large sums of money from the Federal Reserve at extremely low interest rates, gambled on exotic financial instruments earning large fees and high interest rates for management while Federal Government Regulations protect depositors (FDIC Insurance) holding our government hostage to bail out these shysters.
  • Created unbalanced Government Budgets which did not account for all actual government outlays (GOP never budgeted for off balance sheet expenditures like Middle East Wars) widening deficits.
  •  Allow corporations to damage the environment and our financial system then prevent subpoena power to congressional oversight committees entrusted by our constitution to protect the people from such acts.
  • Now, today call for further tax cuts and tax cut extensions due to the depressed economy brought upon the nation by the very same policies they call to action today.
  • Create larger and larger government deficits with full knowledge that our citizens are aging will be cashing in on the insurance programs they paid for during their entire working life. GOP failed to properly budget for and fund these promises for an entire decade and today want the average citizen to believe we can't afford what the republican's purposefully created with deficit spending.

In short the activities which caused our problem today were imprudent tax cuts made by those who always talk about our job creators (Republicans, where are the jobs?). And when our government officials ought to have been planning to secure the benefits citizens paid for their entire working life rather they were offering corporate socialism to the job creators (no jobs) and fighting unpaid for wars. The campaign slogan of the Romney/Ryan ticket is "Bring America Back".

For 10 years Republican Policies were catering to the wealthiest of our nation taking the middle class in America to its knees; sending millions of ordinary citizens into bankruptcy, family's onto food stamps and into the welfare and medicaid social safety net systems. When President Barack Obama took over in 2009, the worst had not yet peaked. His policy shifts were good, have had the effect of ending the carnage.

3 years is insufficient time to dig America out of the "largest Republican hole" every created in the modern era, Especially when the Republican controlled House of Representatives never negotiated in good faith. When the Republican Senate minority used the cloture or  filibuster rules in every way possible to be sure AMERICA and therefore Barack Obama "never received a win". The Republican party's number one priority was to see that Barack Obama was a one term President.

The policies presented today by the Republican Party are a heavier dose of what were were provided during the years 200-2008. The Republicans want you to believe the correct course for America is to offering more tax cuts and deregulation (and to have average people sacrifice the benefits citizens have already paid for their entire life knowing the security they will need in their retirement years.

Taxes Paid Years in Advance for Services Rendered at Retirement.

  • 30 year old paid these taxes for at least 10 years
  • 35 year old paid these taxes for at least 15 years
  • 40 year old paid these taxes for at least 20 years
  • 45 year old paid these taxes for at least 25 years
  • 50 year old paid these taxes for at least 30 years
  • 55 year old paid these taxes for at least 35 years
  • 60 year old paid these taxes for at least 40 years
  • 65 year old paid these taxes for at least 45 years

Tell the entire Republican party that their words which twist the truth are unacceptable. Tell then that you know when the GOP uses euphemisms to distort the truth. Tell them that the standard marketing done with Frank Lutz which tells the GOP which words to use to mislead average American citizens won't work this time around. The tax cuts for job creators did not create jobs, the deregulation lead to shenanigans and skulduggery all which hurt millions of people and created enormous debt.  

Tell the Republican party they will never get away with their budget proposals on Medicare, Social Security and their attempts to erase the American standards set for America's social safety net are a recipe for failure.

Tell your elected official the Republican Parties solution for our countries economic problems are unacceptable to you as a citizen of the United States of America.

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