Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Movement Next Steps

Thank you everyone who has participated to successfully change the media conversation from a far right wing agenda, America is a grateful nation.

The time has come to assert the influence our forefathers intended for our citizens when creating our countries great constitution.

The time has come to convert the sit in protest to a combination of efforts making substantial changes to our countries major political and economic systems. They are broken, need repair or replacement.

The government is to be of and for the people;

All the people,
Not some of the people,
Or the top 1% of people
Or people who believe we can retreat to the days when we argued about a Republic with 13 colonies.

My Occupy Wall Street "Long Term Objectives":

  1. Get Money Out of Politics
    • Pass Constitutional Amendment to ensure once & for all we have "One citizen, one vote"
    • Uniform Federal Rule on Voter Identification Form
    • National Holiday for Election Day (No Work)
  2.  Rules that must apply to Congressional Elected Officials and Executive Elected/Appointed Personnel
    • Laws applicable to any citizen applicable to congressional membership.
    • Divest them­selves of any investment in or ownership of for-profit entities that may be within the purview of their agency or may be subject to their official oversight and influence.
    • Establish strict limits on the extent to which members of their immediate fami­lies may benefit directly from their position.
    • Investments traded in blind trusts only & any finding of guilt of insider trading is cause for immediate dismissal and loss of pension rights.
    • Members of Congress must be required to recuse themselves from voting on issues that may harm or benefit the personal investment interests of their relatives or their staffs.
  3. Eliminate Political Party Gerrymandering By Establishing Uniform Federal Practices
  4. Eliminate the Electoral Process in order to allow a majority vote rule in our Republic.
  5. Bring Back Provisions of the Glass–Steagall Act - Separating investment & commercial banking.

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      Elections matter-openly cynical of government business as usual-Supreme Court Justices 5-4 open warfare on my Individual Liberty-Teach as Knowledge is Power!